Regional Partnership Fund

To support initiatives promoting online freedom and digital protection for human rights defenders which operate in a single country or region.


Applicants should be committed to strengthening local or regional resources and capacities, and take into account the needs of marginalised peoples, such as women, LGBTQIA+ people, ethnic minorities, disabled persons, and others traditionally underserved.

What does this fund cover?

  • The provision of internet access in cases of shutdowns, slowdowns, censorship, or infrastructural damage.
  • The provision of training or accompaniment on digital security or other aspects of security to human rights defenders at risk.
  • The provision of expert advice, digital forensic analysis, hosting, or other technical services to civil society.
  • Lobbying and advocacy work for digital rights and internet freedom.

Digital Defenders Partnership’s target groups

Women, feminist and LGTBQIA+organisations; land and environmental rights defenders; and journalists and other actors who make information available to the public.


Organisations expanding civic space

Including independent media, pro-democracy organisations and networks which are expanding civic space.


Digital Defenders Partnership’s target group

Including independent media, pro-democracy organisations and networks which are expanding civic space.


Community organisations and networks

Women, feminist, LGTBQIA+ and alternative, community or popular media organisations, collectives and networks.

1. Create an account

Activate the applicants’ account on the application system. You can edit the application if it was submitted as a draft.

2. Submit your proposal

Remember you cannot edit a final application submission.

3. Response and screening

A Project Officer (PO) will be appointed to follow up your submission. First response may take up to 14 days (2 weeks). Project Officers will screen if the application meets DDP’s IEF mandate. Applications that do not fall under DDP’s mandate will be rejected and/or referred to our partners and network.

4. Review and due dilligence

Project Officers will review the application on quality and due dilligence criteria. The applicant may need to provide extra information and edit the application, in case there are questions about the proposed activities or budget.

5. Determination

In case the application does not meet quality or due dilligence criteria, it will be rejected. In case the application meets all criteria and all information has been provided, the application will be discussed within the DDP team, after which a final determination follows.

6. Aproval

A sucessful applicant will get a notification of approval.

We are able to process applications submitted in English, Spanish, French and Portuguese. If you would like to submit your application in another language, please contact us with your language request, and we can explore a secure solution.

Granted projects with RPF

  • Illustration with a purple background and a collage of a lock with akee fruits around it.
    DRAPAC VPN Project launches to protect human rights defenders from censorship and surveillance
  • Joint statement from Civil Society for the AI Action Summit
    DDP urges policymakers and leaders to acknowledge AI’s environmental harms
  • Postulez au programme d’accompagnement pour la protection numérique 2025

Frequent Asked Questions

What does this fund cover?

Working with donors, partners, consultants and grantees committed to universal Human Rights.

Who can apply?

For us, the well-being, autonomy, empowerment and dignity of the people we work for and with are of the utmost importance. In all our activities and engagements, we want to create safe and respectful spaces where people can engage the personal and the political, and feel safe and empowered in doing this.

How long does the evaluation process take?

We understand that our programmes are not neutral in the contexts within which they are implemented, which are invariably characterised by injustice and conflict in various forms. We aim to prevent or limit unintended negative outcomes through context analyses and programme impact analyses, and promote unity, reconciliation and justice.

What happens if my proposal gets rejected?

We are committed to a feminist and intersectional approach as the epistemological basis for our analyses and the development of our programmes. Our approach to digital security and the overall protection of human rights defenders is developed through a lens which seeks to make visible the various layers of structural and discursive discrimination based on gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, race identity, ethnicity, geography, language, culture, religion, caste, socioeconomic status, employment, age, dis/ability, and neuro(a)typicality, among other things.

Does our organisation need to be legally constituted to apply?

We are committed to a feminist and intersectional approach as the epistemological basis for our analyses and the development of our programmes. Our approach to digital security and the overall protection of human rights defenders is developed through a lens which seeks to make visible the various layers of structural and discursive discrimination based on gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, race identity, ethnicity, geography, language, culture, religion, caste, socioeconomic status, employment, age, dis/ability, and neuro(a)typicality, among other things.

Do we need an institutional bank account?

We believe in the importance of diversity and inclusivity, in our networks, teams, ideas and approaches. We work in a way that fosters non-discrimination, free expression, participation and equity.

Can we get in touch to discuss our proposal?

We believe in the importance of diversity and inclusivity, in our networks, teams, ideas and approaches. We work in a way that fosters non-discrimination, free expression, participation and equity.