DDP’s Policies

These policies enable us to embody our principles and act with the highest level of integrity.

DDP seeks to develop an organisational culture that reflects our mission, vision and values. In daily life and in our relationships with donors, partners, grantees, consultants and other stakeholders, DDP employees and representatives aim to give practical application to our values and to act with the highest possible integrity.

Gender Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Recommendations

This document consists of a set of recommendations for increasing gender sensitivity and diversity in all programmes; and a list of common barriers to the participation of cis and trans women, girls and non-binary genders in the fields of technology and digital security.

External Complaints Mechanism

DDP Donors, partners, grantees, consultants and other stakeholders who experience undesirable behaviour from DDP employees or representatives are invited to report this behaviour as per the Hivos External Complaints Procedure or the Hivos Whistleblowing Procedure.

Editorial guidelines

Nous sommes conscients que la langue est un instrument de pouvoir. C’est le principal outil de création de la réalité et, en tant que tel, un domaine d’intervention urgent. Nous relevons le défi d’étendre notre engagement en faveur de l’égalité des sexes et de la diversité culturelle à notre production de contenu.