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Feminism and decolonisation
Feminist helplines create a global community of practice
Initiatives addressing gender-based violence online shared their best practices in the 2022 Community Conversations cycle.
Daiane Araújo: “Diverse representation in tech companies is not enough”
In the second episode of #UnlearnColonialism, Daiane Araújo shares her views on strategies and challenges to decolonise technology.
Colonial relations are still reinforced through epistemic domination
What is technology? What does technology do? What technology could be or feel? With these questions, Paola Ricaurte Quijano, a Mexican researcher and activist specialising in the social dimension of technology, kicked off a discussion on the decolonisation of technology.
Arturo Carcará: “It is not our responsibility to question their privileges”
The Mexican singer shares his views about colonialism, in our first interview of the #UnlearnColonialism series.